• Thu. May 9th, 2024

Month: October 2020

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  • Cult Column: Prisoners, Denis Villeneuve’s masterful modern thriller

Cult Column: Prisoners, Denis Villeneuve’s masterful modern thriller

The director of Dune has much more to offer in his back-catalogue. The highly anticipated, star-studded Dune adaptation has meant its director, Denis Villeneuve, is suddenly in the spotlight, even…

Rebecca remade: Netflix fails to please in a disappointing adaptation

Poor characterisation and chemistry produce a mediocre reworking of du Maurier’s classic novel Rebecca, based on the novel by Daphne du Maurier, has officially made its Netflix debut. Attempting to…

Kae Tempest: Book review of ‘On Connection’, and conversation at the Southbank Centre

Whilst there is an unspeakable number of things wrong with the world, perhaps one more underlying problem can be generally agreed on as the speed of life. Too fast, overwhelmingly…

Poem of the Week: Thomas Hardy’s ‘The Darkling Thrush’

Hardy’s opening stanza includes some of the bleakest lines of poetry I’ve come across, but I equally think that they are the most beautiful and honest. The narrator makes no…

A socially distanced trip to the theatre

Recent weeks have seen a number of English theatres beginning to reopen their doors for the first time since March. So, what might we see on a trip to the…

Faith Ringgold: the queen of quilts and political paintings

The ideological Black Arts Movement brought the art world and politics together to reflect the anger expressed over continuous oppression of African Americans, and powerful events occurring in response to…

Reduct at the Royal Scottish Academy

Open until 22nd November, but also viewable online, Reduct is the Royal Scottish Academy’s new exhibition highlighting abstraction and geometry in Scottish art. Its mission is to ‘examine the ways…

Strictly Vegan: Tomato Rosé Pasta

One thing COVID 19 has yet to ruin is the good old-fashioned night in. Impress your flatmates with a simple but sumptuous vegan feast. This creamy rosé and tomato pasta…