• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A letter from your Editor-in-Chief

ByEce Kucuk

Apr 3, 2021
Four newspaper during term of EIC spread out across table

Dear Editors,

I can’t believe it’s already April and that I’ve been EiC for two months. It’s a surreal feeling to think that we’ve done so much in so little time. But honestly, when does it not feel like that at The Student. Editors come and go, EiCs are the same. I just hope that in my short, but passionate time as your Editor-in-Chief I have made an impact on your lives in some way, shape, or form. 

Even if that means I gave you a headache once in a while doing Scribus changes, being EiC would have meant nothing if not for all of you. Ever since moving here, I always felt like I was missing something – some semblance of a community, of a home. 

Getting involved with The Student made me feel like I was a part of something greater than myself. Getting to know all of you, even though I’ve never met some of you in person, has been the greatest privilege of my life.

I know that a lot has happened over the past couple of weeks, here at the paper as well as I am sure in all of your personal lives. The reason I wanted to write this letter is because I wanted you all to recognise everything that we have accomplished together and how we can continue to make the paper the best it can possibly be.

We have completely revolutionised the design of the entire paper and not just the front page, we’ve had more creativity pumping through the veins of this paper than we have had in a while.

We have made new friends and colleagues and gotten to know people we may never have gotten to know otherwise. Every week, we have come together to create and compile mass amounts of incredible content.

Most importantly, we have managed to continue printing throughout this third and treacherous lockdown. Amid all of the chaos, we have persevered and that is nothing short of amazing.

Your guys’ passion and dedication to this paper and to your sections is nothing short of amazing. You are all brilliantly creative individuals, and I am so honoured to have worked alongside each and every single one of you.

I know that there is still work that needs to be done, that we are fighting to push a boulder up a steep hill that is declining print media. But as long as this is important to us, we can fight to keep it alive. And if you ask me, I think we should. The Student is a remarkable piece of history and community that we should never give up on.

I hope that in the years to come we can continue to make magic through hard work and dedication. I hope I can still be a part of that. And when the time comes for me to leave the safety of this community and people ask me what I took away from it, I will tell them about the adventures I had with all of you. An irreplaceable community that made me feel like I belonged. I only hope that I made all of you feel the same way.

Yours truly,

Ece (your very American EiC)

By Ece Kucuk

Ece Kucuk served as President of The Student in 2021/22 and is currently a regular contributor to the paper. She was previously Head Editor-in-Chief and Features Editor, she has also been a writer at The Student for over two years. She is going into her Fourth Year of a Master of Arts with Honours in English Language and Literature and plans to do her Postgraduate in Education and Child Development. She has written for every section of the paper as well as written for The Rattlecap and other publications. Some of her favourite works include her reflection on being the child of an immigrant, her piece on introducing ice hockey, as well as her interview with children’s author Mariam James.