• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A truly hilarious spin on the true-crime podcast: ‘Who Shat on the Floor at My Wedding?’

ByLexie Fraser

Feb 1, 2024
Headphones hung on wall

The events at the matrimony of Karen Whitehouse and Helen McLaughlin in 2018 lead to a take on the true-crime comedy podcast genre, one that personally typically presents an unfavourable combination of moral quandary amidst millennial humour. ‘Who Shat On The Floor At My Wedding?’ defied my preemptions with a somehow charming thirteen part series to find the culprit of the log. With the wedding taking place on a boat, it was an isolated incident. An incident, indeed, that calls for ‘Detective’ and friend Lauren Kilby’s knowledge from an online private investigator course, that she hasn’t finished, to solve the mystery that captured the hearts of twitter users so much that I don’t think Knives Out adaptation would go a miss.

With oddities such as a guest spending three hours in the toilet that night, the matter itself being left just metres from a toilet, and the crime occurring before guests were even drunk, it called for a bigger operation than Amazon lie detector tests on their mum. Thus, the leading ladies enlisted opinions from submarine warfare experts and psychological profiles by experts in psychopathy of ‘poodunnit’. In spite of excellent puns, the former being my favourite, the insight and investment of both hosts and listeners, the case of WSOTFAMW (spoiler alert) remains an unsolved mystery. Despite a disappointing ending, it is hard to speak ill of a genius and genuinely funny podcast.

By tuning into the self-awareness and shared potty humour of the brides a testament to a wonderful marriage, but their endearing nature which unsurprisingly produced a podcast adored by the masses, can immerse you to feel as if someone had pooed on the floor at your own wedding, even if they didn’t… and you’re not even married.

headphones” by Drakh is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.