• Tue. Apr 16th, 2024

All hail the journal: why it should make a comeback

ByTia Byer

Dec 1, 2019

Journaling is an age-old   habit we believe deserves a comeback. Whether it be improved mental health, a way to unwind and destress, or a way to saviour the day’s moments, journaling has a lot to offer.

A journal or a diary can be anything you want it to be. For me, my journal acts as a repository for all of my memories and milestones. Keeping a record of all the beautiful and special moments life has to offer is wonderful. Doing this day in and day out not only improves your memory but throw in some loving affirmations and you’ll soon have yourself a personalized appreciation manual and mantra.

Conversely, reflecting upon the various challenges and hurdles experienced along the way can be just as valuable. A journal can be a private and totally non-judgemental space to vent, confess and confront underlying and uncomfortable issues. Psychological research indicates that such a practice leads to emotional maturity, whilst the forefathers of journal-istic endeavours, the Stoics, maintained that processing the wisdom learnt in a day is philosophically beneficial. Journaling was a noble act, believing that is not enough to simply experience life’s lessons, instead you should take note of them, write them down and RELIVE the lessons.

There can be something deeply nostalgic about keeping a diary. Being able to re-read and reconnect with a much younger (or much less wise) version of yourself can be magical and restorative. Not only can you reflect on your former naiveté, but you can see how much you have changed and grown as a person.

Getting back to the old fashioned pen and paper is imperative in today’s day and age. Us millennials need to start taking better care of ourselves. On a smaller everyday basis, journaling can be a way to do this. Opening up your journal at the day’s end can connect us back to our truth and inner nature. Whether you are a seasoned journal keeper like myself or totally brand new to the trend, the time has come to start prioritising journaling and along with it our relationships to ourselves.

Interested? Why not get check out the latest trendsetters in journaling, Pen Heaven. As part of their #LoveYourLife campaign, this luxury gift emporium are urging the nation to get back in touch with the art of journaling to better mental health. When the multitude of distractions and stressors in life mean that we forget to prioritise and nurture ourselves, it aims to raise awareness about the health benefits of putting pen to paper. In an official Press release the campaign encouraged people to “write a journal for better piece of mind and a happier, healthier you”. And to emphasise the importance of mental well-being the brand is even donating 10% of all sales from their Green Palmi Grained Leather Journal (£22) to the Mental Health Foundation.

Pen Heaven’s campaign is really onto something. Start being kinder to yourself and buy a journal today- it will change your life. I should know; it changed mine.


Illustration: Frannie Wise