• Tue. Apr 23rd, 2024

Ailsa Wolfe

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  • Taking a stand against standing desks

Taking a stand against standing desks

We live in an age of “wellness.” This trend has come to permeate nearly all aspects of our lives, particularly the workplace. In this way, many large corporations, eager to…

The science behind why we maintain unhealthy relationships

One of the many pitfalls of life that we are all guilty of falling into is maintaining relationships, platonic or otherwise, with people who, on reflection, really fail to bring…

Viruses: life’s greatest teachers

The complexity of life and the systems that underpin it have given scientists much to puzzle over and so much remains cloaked in mystery. In our search for understanding it…

The danger of gendering children’s toys

The issue of gender has perhaps never been so contested as it is in today’s society. The ways in which we conceive of gender are increasingly being questioned to reveal…

This week in history: 30th November Rosa Parks refuses to sit at the back of the bus

Taking a look back in the history books of this week in 1955, an initially insignificant event took place which ended up serving as a watershed moment in the history…

Traumatic childhood experiences impact brain function

It has long been understood that traumatic events can have a profound and lasting effect on people. Only in recent years, however, has science begun to uncover exactly how these…

#ISIS: the radicalisation of social media

Social media is a ubiquitous feature in our highly technologised society. We normally see websites and applications such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as an innocuous way to tell other…

Joint Mars mission blasts off

The inexorable search for life on Mars has been ramping up in recent weeks. On Monday, two automated probes were launched into space by a Russian Proton rocket, as part…