• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Bee McDougall

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MSP Matheson offered £12k severance package after iPad row

Michael Matheson, former Scottish Health Secretary and current MSP for Falkirk West, is eligible for a severance fee of £12,712 following his iPad fee scandal and subsequent resignation. Matheson resigned…

Must we read the classics?

As with many other literature-based discussions, the issue of who is or isn’t a ‘real’ reader has been reinvigorated by the advent of BookTok and the proliferation of people who…

Should we judge a book by its cover?

You’ve likely either said or heard the phrase ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’ countless times, and probably in situations that had very little to do with actual books…

The pros and cons of eBooks

E-books have been around for far longer than most people would perhaps immediately assume. The earliest being an annotated index to Thomas Aquinas’ works by Roberto Busa, which began in…

Elena Ferrante: is author anonymity a benefit or a hindrance?

Elena Ferrante is the Italian author behind twelve books, most notably The Neapolitan Quartet, a series of four books that begins with My Brilliant Friend and ends with The Story…

The History of the Women’s Prize for Fiction

For a prize that has been awarded for fewer than thirty years, the Women’s Prize for Fiction has no shortage of history or controversy. The idea for the award first…