• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Cera Gemmell

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Financial Politics at University

“I’m broke“. A phrase that is thrown around our university campus, often accompanied with a smile, a laugh, or grimace… But does ‘broke’ really mean the same to everyone? For…

Newsflash: University isn’t fun for everyone

University. One of those words that brings up a plethora of stereotypical images. We all have an idea of what our university experience should look like – coffee dates with…

Increase in National and Minimum Wage: why is age discrimination still prevalent?

As of April 2022, the National Living Wage rate will rise for all working adults aged 23+, from £8.91 to £9.50/hr. This rate of pay is only enforced for employees…

Students VS climate change: Should you go vegan?

It has been reported that there are currently between 750,000 and one million ‘dietary vegans’ in the UK. This is a rough estimate, but it gives us an idea of…

Refresher: a second-year’s experience in Freshers’ Week

“Are you a first- or second year?” were the words I heard most often during Freshers’ Week. Any other year, this may have been a strange question – wasn’t Freshers’…