• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Isabelle Boulert

Isabelle, a third year History and Politics student hailing from Berkshire, is Sport Editor for The Student Newspaper. Tweet sporting trivia and dad jokes to her at @IALBoulert.  
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All Aboard! The Sleigh Ride

In the (quite literally) dark days of February 2013, NRK (the Norwegian Broadcast Company) dedicated their primetime Friday night slot to a programme which began with a marathon four-hour discussion…

Mo Farah pipped at the post at Edinburgh XC

Mo Farah came unstuck (or rather stuck) in the mud of Holyrood Park on Saturday as he took part in the Edinburgh Cross Country run, his first competitive meet of…

It’s time to stop the personal attacks on Sepp Blatter

Now Sepp Blatter has stepped down as president of Fifa he has decided he is going to use all of his spare time to concentrate on improving his tennis game:…

Cagatay Sahan’s calamitous grandslam

If the 2015/16 Premier League season so far has taught us anything, it must certainly be that José Mourinho doesn’t respond well to being eclipsed by the competition. Perhaps, therefore,…

All Blacks make World Cup history in Antipodean epic

The Ka Mate, better known as the haka that was seen not once but twice at the 2015 Rugby World Cup final, begins by questioning “Will I die, will I…

Minnesota mascot refused 1,200% pay rise, suprisingly

In 1982 a man called Joe was awarded the world record for shaving a beard with an axe in 8 minutes and 43 seconds, an achievement that stands to this…

Europe’s refugee crisis offers football a chance to show it’s heart

We live in a time where trends veers ever further away from traditional power structures of government and state, leaving a vacuum that is increasingly filled by soft power alternatives.…

Foxfinder a harrowing success

Drama / Modern, Bedlam Theatre, Venue 49, 19:30 until 30th August. Master of None’s gripping rendition of Dawn King’s Foxfinder does justice to a magnificent play that won the Papatango…