• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Iza Horbaczewska

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  • Crocs are making a comeback

Crocs are making a comeback

Yes, you did read the title of this article correctly. You might think I’m going mad…surely the rubber monstrosity of a shoe isn’t emerging from the depths of the 2000s…

Why the fashion industry needs a value overhaul

Over the course of the last year, the pace of life has drastically slowed down, allowing a number of important conversations to take place. Important power structures, from Hollywood, to…

Finding your favourite falafel: a comprehensive guide

A hummus falafel wrap is almost as synonymous with Edinburgh students as mullets and flared jeans. Maybe you’ve just begun dipping your toe into the wonderful world of chickpea goodness…

Sunlight at the end of the tunnel? Places we might be able to travel this summer

I’m sure you, like me, have spent a large portion of lockdown fantasising about missed holidays- that slightly too sterile smell of an aeroplane or that immediate wave of heat…

Toxic positivity: the way in which we give and get advice

The phrase ‘toxic positivity’ seems like an oxymoron – there’s no way that the attitude we all aspire to have can be poisonous… or can it? Toxic positivity refers to…