• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Jonny Ross-Tatum

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  • EUSA cannot legally implement BDS

EUSA cannot legally implement BDS

Last Wednesday, the EUSA Trustee Board concluded that ‘while the will be published as normal alongside other Student Council business, the BDS motion as it is written cannot legally be…

University Funding Cuts Promote Inequality

University funding and tuition fees are moving in the wrong direction. We need to change course. Back in September 2012, I joined the first cohort of UK students that were…

A pro-business attitude is wholly compatible with progressive politics

Being progressive and pro-business are not mutually exclusive things. This may sound obvious, but the fall-out from the recent General Election results have fuelled this debate in the press and…

Scottish Labour are in serious trouble

By 6am, Friday 19 September, the results of Scotland’s historic independence referendum were in. Despite uncertainty right up to the last moment, the Scottish electorate said ‘No’ to independence by…