• Fri. Jun 28th, 2024

Maisie McGuffie

Opinion Editor
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  • Fringe 2023: Burned Out

Fringe 2023: Burned Out

Burned Out is a current and political piece about the current state of the NHS, recognising the personal sacrifices that health workers make. Burned Out follows several characters, but the…

Fringe 2023: Emotionally Unreasonable

Emotionally Unreasonable was the first stand-up comedy musical I have ever been to. I found that the songs were executed well, and the lyrics matched the jokes and tone of…

Fringe 2023: Something Educational

Something Educational has been produced by Act One Scene One, and is being performed at theSpace @ Niddry Street. Five characters in one friendship group have been trapped together for…

Fringe 2023: Ay Up, Hitler!

Ay Up, Hitler! is being performed by Gamma Ray Theatre at theSpace @ Surgeons Hall, suggests that Hitler never died, but rather himself and three prominent Nazis escaped after Germany…

Fringe 2023: Attendants

As we entered theatre 2 at theSpace on the Mile, the cabin crew handed all “passengers” of the performance a leaflet titled ‘This for flying with … Applesby Air’. This,…

Fringe 2023: The Quality of Mercy: Concerning the Life and Crimes of Doctor Harold Frederick Shipman

The Quality of Mercy: Concerning the Life and Crimes of Doctor Harold Frederick Shipman was written and performed by Edwin Flay and follows the life of Harold Shipman from his…

Fringe 2023: Dough

Written and directed by David Lescot and performed by the Compagnie du Kaïros/Something for the Weekend Group, Dough provides dark humour over the main character’s life. Something I loved was…

Fringe 2023: Dom- The Play

Dom – The Play follows the political career of Dominic Cummings, former Chief Adviser to Boris Johnson. The performance follows the political circus that is Westminster from Cummings’ involvement in…