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By-election and NUS results announced

ByThurston Smalley

Oct 9, 2014

The Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) has announced by-election results for various Convenor and NUS Scotland and UK positions.

The results were announced to a sparsely-attended event in the Teviot Debating Hall on the evening of Thursday, October 7.

EUSA President Briana Pegado first took the stage, followed by Vice President Societies and Activities (VPSA) Eve Livingston, then Vice President Services (VPS) Tasha Boardman, and finally Vice President Academic Affairs (VPAA) Dash Sekhar. The sabbaticals announced results in no obvious order.

The Convenor elections were characterised by universally low turnout, with one position drawing only six votes. NUS election statistics were not announced at the time of publication.

The night was plagued by technical problems which interrupted proceedings several times. During one of the later interruptions, Sekhar asked the audience: “Why did the mushroom go to the party?”

A member of the audience called out almost instantly: “Because he was a fungi!” to much applause.

A further error occurred when Urte Macikenaite was announced as a winner in the NUS UK election; The Student has reason to believe that this nominee was, in fact, defeated, and that Theo Robertson-Bonds was actually elected in the first round.

Speaking to The Student after the event, Robertson-Bonds said: “It is shambolic that it took further enquiry to determine that the NUS delegate results were invalid, and further to this, it was embarrassing to a great number of candidates, including myself.

“This is a repeated, annual occurrence, and EUSA’s returning officer needs to take responsibility for these appalling missteps which have become normalcy in the course of EUSA elections.”

Following the event, Sekhar told The Student: “Turnout was higher than last year. Turnout was in the late 800s. This wasn’t dramatically more than last year, regardless of the fact that we had double the number of candidates. With more candidates you would expect more votes. Perhaps we need to give more support to candidates running.”

The full results in the order in which they were announced are below:

Business School Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Kelly Crawford

Physics and Astronomy Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Iwo Dubaniowski

School of Education (Moray House) Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Farrah Walji

Edinburgh College of Art Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Fraser Graham

Social and Political Science Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Anthony Salamone

Postgraduate Student Section Group Convenor: Madhav Mittal

1st Year External Campaign Organiser: Michael Kutner

Economics School Convenor: Joseph Lee

Chemistry Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: Douglas Cullen

Edinburgh College of Art Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: Ke Lim

Geosciences Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Saskia Kearns

Women’s Liberation Convenor: Lucy Hook

Geosciences School Convenor: Patrycja Jastrzebska

1st Year Academic Campaign Organiser: Phillippe Vouta

Biological Sciences Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: Emily Taskova

Physics and Astronomy School Convenor: Emily Gould

Economics Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: Constantin Reinprecht

Health in Social Sciences Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: Clarissa Clarissa [sic]

1st Year Welfare Campaigns Organiser: Laura Craig

Languages, Literatures and Cultures Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: Zofia Lutkiewicz

Disability and Mental Wellbeing Convenor: Hannah Baker Millington

Maths School Convenor: Mohammad Ubaidullah Hassan Qureshi

PPLS Postgraduate School Convenor: RON (Re-Open Nominations)

External Campaign Organiser: Michael Kirkland

Physics and Astronomy Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: George Parry

School of Education (Moray House) Undergraduate School Vice Convenor: Mehgan Gill

Health in Social Science School Convenor: Alan Tam

Biomedical Sciences Undergraduate Schoole Vice Convenor: Sonia Rehman

Student Member of the Trading Committee: Charlie Bush

Informatics Postgraduate School Vice Convenor: James Garforth

Law School Undergraduate Vice Convenor: William McLaughlan

Business School Undergraduate Vice Convenor: Issei Hara

NUS UK winners: Theo Robertson-Bonds, Tasha Boardman, Jacob Webber, Harriet Protheroe-Davis, Wayne Chang, Matija Tomanovic, Eve Livingston, Noga Szpiro

NUS Scotland winners: Theo Robertson-Bonds, Urte Macikenaite, Tasha Boardman, Greg Lane, Jacob Webber, Paola Bertini, Marko Supronyuk, Jodie Mitchell, Davison, Matija Tomanovic, J Finn Weddle, Eve Livingston, Dash Sekhar

By Thurston Smalley

Thurston is a final year French and politics student from Chertsey, England. He first wrote for his high school newspaper, The Phillipian, in 2009. He began writing for The Student in 2011, became News Editor in 2012, and Editor in Chief in 2015. He currently serves as President.

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