• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Student Elections 2019

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Breaking down the 2019 election: what next for the UK?

Our political landscape has been transformed with disorientating speed. The December election just passed can only be described as a political cataclysm. The tribal loyalties that underpinned our two-party system…

Postgraduate elections completed this month

Edinburgh University Students’ Association’s October elections, where students voted for Postgraduate student representatives and delegates for the National Union of Students (NUS) and NUS Scotland conferences, have concluded. Voting began…

Interview with 2019/2020 VP Welfare: Oona Lilly Miller

How are you feeling now that you’ve been elected VP Welfare? At first I was really relieved but now, I’m actually really excited, I keep getting really distracted from the…

Interview with 2019/2020 VP Education: Steph Vallacey

Tell us about yourself. I’m Steph, newly elected VP Education, I’m in my fourth year of Health Science and Society, in the School of Health and Social Science. I’ve got…

Interview with 2019/2020 VP Activities & Services: Beth Fellows

How did it feel when you first were elected, how did it feel in the immediate aftermath and how do you feel now a couple of weeks later? The immediate…

Interview with 2019/2020 President: Andrew Wilson

Tell us about yourself. I’m from Blackpool originally. I am a second year English Language and Linguistics student. Not politics as many people seem to think I do! First year…

Interview with 2019/2020 VP Community: Rosheen Wallace

Introduce yourself, please. My name is Rosheen, I am in my fourth year doing French and Linguistics. What were your initial reactions of winning? I just couldn’t stop smiling, I…

The stagnant state of student politics

Used in countries such as India, Venezuela and Brazil, online voting has long been cited as a potential cure for our ailing voter participation in the UK. Yet if the…