• Tue. May 21st, 2024

Consumers and the greater good: buying during the boycotts

ByHarriet Sanderson

Feb 1, 2024
Starbucks coffee sign

As Oxfam announces that the daily death rate in Gaza is higher than any other major twenty-first century conflict, many of us are left searching for ways to offer support. A well-known form of activism presents an opportunity here: boycotting.

Boycotting refers to a refusal to engage with certain organisations out of protest. It is a powerful expression of direct action and reveals our capacity to make a difference, something which is liberating whilst the UK parliament is actively disengaging with conversations of a ceasefire. Hence, many activists have taken to social media to raise awareness of brands that support Israel, most notably, ‘the big three’: Starbucks, McDonalds, and Disney. This pushes us to alter our lifestyles for the greater good and, thankfully, it seems to have an impact as NewsWeek reveals that Starbucks has suffered a decline of over a billion dollars in market value following weeks of boycotts and staff strikes.

Amongst University of Edinburgh students, there seems to be discrepancies over boycotting. Some individuals confess they did not realise there was a connection between these brands and the conflict. Others, notably students who have consistently shown an interest in politics, make an adamant choice to disengage with harmful brands. If we intend to change consumer habits, we must begin with awareness and discussion with our peers.

Luckily, in Edinburgh, a city that boasts hundreds of independent shops, boycotting is made easy. Whenever you find yourself by a Starbucks, I would bet a great deal that a better, more sustainable and ethical coffee shop is less than 5 minutes away! Consider trying Mayvn, August 21, or Love Crumbs instead. For clothing, avoid ZARA and H&M and try out one of the many Oxfam shops in Edinburgh, assisting them in their humanitarian aid for Palestine while also shopping more sustainably. To commit to learning more about the war, venture to Lighthouse Books, an independent book shop which vocally supports Palestine while also possessing great educational resources such as ‘The Palestine Laboratory’ and ‘Balcony on the Moon’.

Although it is often easy to remain ignorant in times of social conflict, we should consider that our lifestyles don’t exist in isolation and that each purchase has a consequence. If you can use your money for the better, while also enjoying more unique and higher quality experiences, why shouldn’t you?

Starbucks” by marcopako  is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.