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Edinburgh Charity Fashion Show 2018: Meet the models

ByAnnie Muggoch

Jan 29, 2018

Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the greatest show on Earth. 31 January brings around another event for your diaries. Following the success of the launch party in November, there is another opportunity to experience the wonder of the circus. ECFS 2018 are taking over the magnificent Mash House yet again, with tickets on sale now for the second launch party. Described by Ella Alexander, the Head of Public Relations, as: “Bigger, better, bolder,” this event is not one to miss. Expect colour, diversity, music, drinks, circus acts, and lots more to add a spark of the marvellous to January.

However, the exciting events do not end there. Tickets are on sale now for the main event taking place on 10 March at Dynamic Earth. The Greatest Show on Earth is set to blow our minds. Table tickets are already sold out, so make sure you secure your ticket for the show.

With the show fast approaching, it was a real privilege to be able to meet a few of the models who will be on the runway in March. Nick Mansolas and Amanda Zhuang are both students at the University of Edinburgh. I was intrigued to find out about how the modelling process works, the pressure the models felt and the level of commitment required.

First, I spoke to Amanda who told us that “this year has been very refreshing, with a lot of new people. The theme is very uplifting, bright and fun to be a part of. I can’t wait for the model evening, where we all get to know each other properly.”

How did you find the auditioning process? “Everyone was so nice at auditions; I was very nervous before I arrived but when you get there it is so easy going.”

How do you find balancing everything? “Not too difficult, once the headshot is out the way you can really look forward to the editorial shoot and the show. The show on the day is a big job but it’s certainly not a stressful experience. I love it.”

Have you done any modelling before? “I’ve never done professional modelling before, however I am very interested in a career in fashion. I did the show last year. Afterwards a lot of student designers contacted me to model for their final projects.”

What’s your favourite part? “The clothes, definitely the clothes. The venue is just so amazing; people will be blown away.”

Nick Mansolas is a medic with a very busy schedule. However, after doing the show last year he realised how important it was to balance his university studies with other things he enjoys. “Everyone should find a balance, whether that’s the gym, sport, whatever.”

What made you decide to audition last year? “I was just handed a card by someone on the street, so decided to go along.”

And you wanted to do it again? “Yes, I am an adrenaline junkie, walking down the runway is an amazing feeling.” 

You’re a medic so it’s a very different route to go down? “Yes it is, this is just an outside interest, I really enjoy. Take me to a vintage sale and I am in my element.”

What do you think of the theme this year? “I have never been to the circus, but the theme is amazing. It’s very diverse, and I can see that through the models. There are models from all over the world.”

What are your expectations from the clothing if you have never been to the circus? “I am really looking forward to the colours, based on the mood boards I have seen, it all looks very 1960/70s and I can’t wait.  The make up at the headshots was A LOT, but I still can’t wait for the show.”

Obviously, this year the whole thing is in aid of Super Power Agency, have you done a lot of charity work before? “Yes, it is always good to do something for charity, I did a lot of volunteering before, especially with refugees.”

After speaking to the two models, alongside Clemmie Tregoning, Head of Press and Ella Alexander, all I can say is: get involved.

Buy tickets for ‘The Greatest Show on Earth Part II’ at: https://fixr.co/event/822722179

Buy tickets for the Fashion Show at: https://fixr.co/event/280152013

image: quinntheislander

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