• Tue. Sep 10th, 2024

How to cut costs during ‘Welcome Week’

ByLaura Potier

Sep 14, 2017

Welcome week can be brutal on your bank account, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the spending opportunities thrown at you. Here are a few quick tips on how to save your money during Freshers:

Get a Freshers’ Week Wristband: ‘Welcome Week’ is teeming with events and nights out, which though amazing fun, can really put a strain on your finances. If you’re only planning on one or two nights out, this may not be worth it. Any more than that though, and it’s definitely worth grabbing a wristband to get great discounts on club nights.

Go to the Freshers Fair! Not only will you have the chance to snatch up bagfulls of freebies, but often there’ll also be older students selling their old textbooks, clothes, posters, and general homeware for vastly discounted prices. It’s a convenient and smart way to decorate your room and flat without breaking the bank.

Eat in: As you’re getting settled and everything’s up in the air, it can be tempting to eat out or order in, rather than cook meals. However, doing so can save you a lot of money, and making a flat dinner together is a great way of dividing up costs and getting to know your new housemates!

Drink during pre-drinks: For many people, alcohol is an intrinsic part of  ‘Welcome Week’. However, it can quickly become the costliest aspect of Freshers’, so we recommend you get your drinks in at pre’s, and avoid buying alcohol at the club which can be painfully expensive.

Mix and match clothes for dazzling outfits! With so much going on, it’s easy to get through about ten outfits in the week. Resist the urge to buy tons of new clothes ahead of your first week, and instead swap pieces around with your new friends. Picking and choosing outfits together is a fun activity ahead of a night out, and is an easy way to curb spending.

Resist the urge to sign up to every society: Societies are an amazing way to meet new people and discover new activities, but often it’s easy to be talked into paying for a membership in the first week. Most societies will have tasters, and we recommend attending those before deciding to sign up.



image: Stevepb via Pixabay

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