• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


ByAthina Frantzana

Aug 5, 2018

With Sisterhood, acclaimed theatre company Kriya Arts wants us to know how Joan of Arc felt and to make us realise that the world has not moved as far as many think from the time when women were burned for witchcraft. It’s time for women to wake and stand for the Sisterhood!

God chose a woman – Mary – but the church tends to forget about it. Daughters usually look after parents, because parents want their sons to be emotionless. People label women with no children useless, but sometimes it is not even a woman’s choice. Why? Sisterhood calls all women who feel oppressed in any way to stand together, to challenge the patriarchy and to spread the word for respect to each other.

Sisterhood is about three women who tell us their personal stories, their concerns and their dreams. A woman in her early 20s, who wants to escape from getting married to a man picked by her father, a woman in her 40s, who feels incomplete because of not having had a baby, and a woman in her 60s, who has lived her life the way she wanted and keeps the other two strong and united.

Three different stories unfold in the 1600s and reflect the position of women today. Not much has changed. With an inspirational song, the three women welcome the audience to their world. The simple but well-made scenery sends the audience back in time. The unexpected Back to the Future style resets to modern time keep the audience engaged and looking forward to the next one. The transitions in time emphasise the minimal changes of women’s position throughout history and give you plenty of food for thought.

The natural and warm performances by all three actors will make you feel part of the Sisterhood, and identify yourself in some of their stories. The story of the middle-aged woman Alice, played by Jolie Booth (who is also the writer and producer of the play), presents perfectly the confusion of a woman who tries to become pregnant and the unfair way she has been treated in comparison to her husband. The innocence and the expressive eyes of the younger woman (Kitty, played by Coco Maertens) will make you start dreaming and planning of a better life along with her. The strength and wit of the older woman (Marjorie, played by Jules Craig) will keep you hanging on her lips for her next story and piece of advice. Finally, the atmospheric background sounds created by the eccentric musician’s live performance (Sophia Craig-Daffern) blend in perfectly with the scenery and the occasional transitions in time.

Sisterhood is a fun, touching and inspirational play with great performances and interaction with the audience. If you are looking either for a thought provoking play with good jokes and historical references or for a warm place where you want to feel like you are out with your gals chatting and drinking cocktails, Sisterhood is absolutely the show for you. The Sex & the city of the 1600s that you will not want to end!



Pleasance Courtyard – Beneath (Venue 33)

5-26 August (not 13 & 20)

Buy tickets here


Image: Kriya Arts

By Athina Frantzana

PhD Candidate on Gender Equality in STEM, Researcher/Writer/Reviewer. Topics: equality, diversity & inclusion, women's rights, feminism, and science.

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