• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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Why Children’s Books Matter

A few years ago, during a period of mourning, some part of me felt strongly drawn back to my childhood as I navigated my way through the strange workings of…

Short rant: Hating children is not cool

I will be the first to admit that, in the past, I have made passing comments claiming that “I hate children” and less polite iterations of the same sentiment. I…

Spotlight: World Book Day

I always loved World Book Day. My primary school encouraged us to dress as our favourite literary characters and used the day to celebrate reading. Even when I reached secondary…

Dreaming of DINKs

DINK stands for “double income, no kids”, and is the term for couples living together with two salaries without children to care for and financially sustain. I’ve always wanted children.…

Why are younger generations not having children?

In recent years, the notion of Gen Z and younger Millennials not wanting children has gained some publicity. This discussion seems to be everywhere from the public eye to private…

Diversity in children’s books: a conversation with Mariam James

The Student speaks to children’s book author, Mariam James. Published author and mother of two kids, Mariam James, writes children’s stories that promote a positive self-identification for children of colour.…

The problem with our education system: is art the answer?

Mark Wallinger, a Turner Prize winning artist whose work has appeared on the fourth plinth in Trafalgar square, has argued that schools need to give greater focus to the arts.…

Paris protests over IVF treatment for lesbian couples

The 19th of January saw a huge protest in Paris against the government and its proposed changes to the laws around assisted reproduction in France. The new bill would allow…