• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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Match of the day: online dating during a pandemic

This article is a part of our series Love in the Time of Corona. If you have any interesting or scandalous love, relationship, or sex stories of your own during…

The Johnson Rule: Not going well is it?

Let’s cast our minds back a year, if that’s at all possible. The country was waking up to Boris Johnson as Prime Minister; having just missed the latest Brexit deadline,…

Corona cuffing: pressing fast-forward on the dating scene

For those who are oblivious to this new term, ‘corona cuffing’, don’t worry, you’re not alone. It simply refers to the more prevalent fast-forward attitude in the dating scene since…

Sharma’s self-isolation shows how outdated our parliament is

In a shock turn of events that surprised… well, they surprised absolutely no one: an MP, a cabinet minster no less, has had to go into isolation and get tested…

Heimweh and Hamsterkäufe: Stranded on Purpose

Lockdown day (?) in Leipzig; a self-isolation shopping list: Things in jars (misc.), soup, yoghurt, cereal, veggies (whatever is left), some kind of non-dairy milk product…whisky? That’s expensive; I’m an…