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How to get the most out of your Pleasance gym membership

Whether it is used by sports societies or by people looking to work out, the Pleasance Sports Complex & Gym is an essential component of the university. Pleasance has a…

How to avoid burnout and succeed in your fitness goals in 2024

Ahh, January – the month where no matter if you go to the gym at 6am, 6pm, or noon, you’ll be acing to grab a bench, squat rack or treadmill.…

Pleasance gym refurbishment complete

The Eric Liddell Gym at the Pleasance Sports Complex and Gym has reopened after a more than £1 million refurbishment. The refurbishment features the merging of the Cardio and Eric…

Refresher: a second-year’s experience in Freshers’ Week

“Are you a first- or second year?” were the words I heard most often during Freshers’ Week. Any other year, this may have been a strange question – wasn’t Freshers’…

Gym Harassment: quit looking at my ass

Walking into a gym has never been my favourite experience. There is that smell that must be the universal fragrance of every single gym in the world. A cocktail of…

Doing lots of exercise will not solve all of your problems

Content warning: mention of bulimia, transphobia and ableism Let’s talk about exercise. It can be a scary topic for us, recovering bulimics with gym addictions. Gyms are highly competitive, intimidating…

Kickstarting your year: five gym classes to give a go

Trying out the University of Edinburgh gym is a great way to start the year. Whether you are a fresher feeling the need to burn off all those free pizzas…

The secret to improving your university experience: sport

Each time I went to the gym this summer I was greeted with “No one ever said: ‘wow I really regret that workout’” on the wall of the entrance, which…