• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Labour Party

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Starmer rebuffs recent criticism

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has dismissed criticism of his leadership, telling the BBC “The vast majority of our party and our movement are behind what we’re doing.” Starmer,…

Starmer must act decisively if he is to act as true opposition to the government

Back in September 2020, I wrote an article about how Keir Starmer had managed to claw back support and credibility for the Labour party. Starmer’s embracing of consensus politics and…

Labour have won their battle against Corbyn, but the war won’t end

During the 2016 Brexit referendum, we were told by Vote Leave that leaving the European Union would deliver the biggest blow to the establishment in decades. Indeed, this is how…

Corbyn and antisemitism: can we get serious now?

Antisemitism, anti-Zionism, anti the current state of Israel. Three completely different things. The first is hostility to a race; the second is hostility to the idea of Jews having a…

Competence, competence, competence: Starmer re-brands Labour as a party fit for government

The Labour Party has not won a general election in 15 years. December 2019 saw it go down to its worst defeat since 1935, a fitting end to five years…

Keir Starmer: The first six months

Many current students will have grown up with Jeremy Corbyn as Leader of the Opposition – arguably the most left-leaning Labour figurehead in a generation. In December 2019, they watched…

Leaked report on antisemitism within the Labour party suggests inaction by members

A report into antisemitism in the Labour Party was leaked to the public on the 12th April, laying bare the inaction taken by the internal Party departments in response to…

Oh God, please not another coalition

Before I start, just a brief disclaimer: the upcoming election is a controversial topic. I have had enough drunken conversations with people in the smoking areas of clubs to know…