• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Sexual Harassment

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“Because I am a woman”: The Student explores women’s safety in Edinburgh

TW: Sexual violence, sexual harassment, transphobia In the wake of the disappearance and murder of Sarah Everard, the debate about women’s safety has been reignited, with a study demonstrating that…

We were sexually harassed during the Fringe Festival

The morning the BBC published an article on sexual harassment at the Fringe Festival (23 August 2019, available at: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-49435737), I received six messages by ten o’clock. It was close…

Combatting sexual harassment: what must be done next

Content warning: This article contains mentions of sexual harassment Recent movements such as #MeToo have encouraged individuals to come forward with experiences of sexual harassment. The most recent accusation is…

#NoExcuse: More than a campaign, a part of life

Content warning: sexual harassment Anyone reading this most likely knows about the Edinburgh University Students’ Association anti-sexual harassment campaign, #NoExcuse. Posters are up everywhere, there are reminders about it and…

#NoExcuse: The campaign calling for an end to sexual violence and harassment

Content warning: sexual violence and survivors’ help. “That kind of thing doesn’t happen here.” This is emblazoned upon one of the many posters found across the university, with #NoExcuse written…

Consent, changing attitudes and the University of Edinburgh

The recent #MeToo and #TimesUp campaigns have sparked a worldwide conversation about consent and sexual harassment. Something that started in Hollywood has turned into a reckoning against sexual harassment and…