• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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The Inner Life of an Ordinary Closet

Everyday, closets are open and shut, with their doors swinging to the hurried push and pull gestures of the hands. I have always only cast cursory glances at my closet—always…

SISF: Corryvreckan: Inspiralled Tales review

With the Scottish International Storytelling Festival in full flow, an evening of tales steeped in Scottish folklore is exactly what the druid healer ordered. The audience is seated to the…

SISF: My Home Canada and My Home-Home Scotland review

Storyteller Alexandria Patience immediately sets the intimate, conversational tone of My Home Canada & My Home-Home Scotland by removing her shoes and greeting the audience. Although slow to warm up,…

Talking to Ourselves: Self-expression at the University of Edinburgh

Thursday 29 November saw Edinburgh’s Our SpeakEasy society ran its last ‘Story Slam’ event of 2018 in Teviot’s Lounge Bar. With mince pies and an open drinks tab, the event…

Introducing Real Talk: Storytelling for mental health

Lily Asch is the founder of Real Talk, a social enterprise that aims to address mental health through storytelling. Lifestyle’s Hannah Wallis catches up with Lily to hear her story.…

Tongue Tied & Twisted – Indian Tales; Contemporary Twist

As is claimed on the Scottish International Storytelling Festival website, ‘storytelling is play’. This seemingly simple statement is surprisingly difficult to execute, especially in a 90-minute aural performance. However, uncle…

Where Snakes can Sing: Stories from Poland (Scottish International Storytelling Festival)

‘Because I am the embodiment of Polish National identity, I will tell you two stories: one Jewish, one Lithuanian.’ This is how Malgorzata Litwinowicz began fifty-minutes of storytelling on a…

Open Hearth: Mara Menzies (Scottish International Storytelling Festival)

As part of the Scottish International Storytelling Festival 2017, the daily Open Hearth evenings are a great way to end a hectic day – with a variety of different guest…