• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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“I pirate lol”: How Edinburgh students get around buying a TV licence

A recent survey conducted by The Student found that while the majority of students are required to own a TV licence, only 20% have actually paid for one. Students need…

How hot is the Billboard Hot 100?

With the debut of Drake and J. Cole’s song “First Person Shooter” at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, Drake officially tied Michael Jackson for the most number-one…

How can the BBC engage students in order to ensure its survival?

When looking for my next programme the BBC waits patiently behind the louder and flashier streaming platforms of Netflix and Amazon Prime. Why is this? Growing up, settling down to…

How has Netflix changed the way we understand entertainment?

For the third year in a row, Netflix Films are leading the race in this year’s Academy Awards nominations. 27 appearances in all major categories, show signs of the studio’s…

Stream it or screen it? Cinema remains superior

As a champion of the immersive cinema experience, the Video On Demand (VOD) release of many of the Covid-era blockbusters is frustrating for many film-purists like me. On the one…

The Box Office is open and the show must go on… at home

If your regular TV shows and movies just aren’t providing enough escapism anymore as this period of restrictions and lockdowns drags into winter, it’s time to turn to the stage.…

Disney’s New Streaming Service: What we know so far

The House of Mouse is getting bigger by the month. Adding extensions, breaking down walls and opening its doors to the public like never before, the company that has produced…

Stream, Heav’nly Muse: Alternative Streaming Services in the UK

If you frequently read any UK newspaper’s film pages, you’ll find that it’s a rare week which does not include a feature about the streaming service Netflix: analysing its market…