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TOP TIPS: How to ensure your procrastination is on point during exams

ByParisa Hashempour

Mar 28, 2016


Exam time is almost upon us once more and, with all that procrastinating to do, there is hardly any time to squeeze in any studying. If you are running dry on procrastination techniques, have no fear: here are the most popular methods to get you started.


FACEBOOK: During exam season, watching a video of a pig eating a biscuit is definitely cute – even after the 10th time. Now is also the perfect time to check up on that girl you met in the club toilets that one time two years ago. After all, she was adamant she was your BFF.


LOOK FOR HOLIDAYS : It is 1am in the morning and your exam is two days away. Make sure you are preparing well (for summer, of course) by scrolling through stunning pictures of luxurious 5-star holidays on Secret Escapes. Holiday planning is definitely productive so no need to feel guilty.


TEA BREAKS: Everybody loves a good cuppa, but at exam time this turns into a dangerous addiction. A five-minute revision burst followed by a half hour tea break is standard and perfectly acceptable at regular intervals throughout the day. Make sure you choose your revision location carefully; ensuring that you have a good variety of friends around will enable you to rotate your tea-rota such that you will never have a stale conversation.


CLEAN AND TIDY: A tidy room is a tidy mind. Before revising make sure you have cleaned your room… and your bathroom… and your kitchen… and your dingy communal stairwell. This also might be a good time to start moving around furniture and thinking about redecoration. Feng shui is an important life skill after all.


REVISION SPACE: You started in your flat but the vibes were all wrong so you have lugged your stuff to the library. Finding the perfect spot might take three or four rounds of the building and once you are finally settled somebody will come along and sit practically on top of you with their smelly crunchy packet of Quavers. You might then decide that it is time for another change of scene and head to Peter’s Yard for an overpriced slice of Pecan Pie.


MAKE A LIST: It is important to plan your revision schedule before you get started… multiple times… colour coded… and in bubble writing. It is also important to put some things on the list that you know you can tick of straight away so you feel a sense of achievement.


START A NEW TV SERIES: You start with one episode and then realise there is no way out of not following up with the next six seasons. WHO IS GOSSIP GIRL? I NEED TO KNOW. Make sure to a choose a series with plenty of dramatic cliff-hangers though!


EAT: It is impossible to revise if your tummy is growling, but even if it isn’t, make sure your raid your cupboard and everyone else’s – don’t worry, they won’t mind, you are going through a difficult time right now.



[Image: Pixabay @ Wokandapix]

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