• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Wayoo Juicery: a review of Marchmont’s latest juicy offerings

BySaskia Peach

Nov 15, 2016

Wayoo Juicery is the new name for what used to be ‘No 39’. Situated on Argyle Place, straight opposite Middle Meadow Walk, it is an ideal place for a snack in the warmth between your lectures. First and foremost you should know that Wayoo is a vegetarian and vegan establishment only. You’ll find no meat fillings for your sandwiches here, but don’t let that deter you, I can assure you everything you will find is purely delicious.

On entrance to Wayoo, I was pleasantly surprised by the modernity and brightness of the interior. With a faint smell of fresh wood, Wayoo had a good amount of seating – mainly tables for two – complete with broccoli themed pillows (handmade by the café owner) and a vase on every table.

My next focus was the menu. The drinks are advertised on the back wall, offering the usual coffees and teas, and then some more exciting smoothies made with dairy free milk, cold pressed juices and the enticing-sounding ‘Cacao Elixir’.

The food menu was equally intriguing. The sight of weekend brunch pancakes and breakfast acai bowls had my friend and I turning to each other and simultaneously stating, ‘we have to come back for breakfast!’ (which we did four days later). Not yet at the level of hunger to order sandwiches or quiche or even vegan mac & cheese, I settled on a milkshake and one of the most professional looking cakes I have ever laid eyes on.

The orders arrived swiftly and we were not disappointed. My milkshake had the perfect level of creaminess and the vegan raspberry cake was delicious. My friend was gracious enough to let me try a sip of her ‘very berry boost’ smoothie and I was sure enough hit with a very berry burst.

Days later we returned to determine how Wayoo faired on the breakfast front. The ‘free’ porridge (just pay for your toppings) and avocado toast were particularly tempting, but it was the smoothie bowl that won me over. An almond, acai and berry smoothie topped with a variety of nuts and seeds and cashew caramello (imagine caramel sauce made from cashew nuts) was enough to please the tummy and the taste buds.

Whether it be just for drinks or a hearty lunch, it is certainly worth a short walk across the Meadows to try it for yourself. Wayoo is definitely somewhere I will be returning.



[Image: Saskia Peach]

By Saskia Peach

Saskia is a fourth year studying linguistics & psychology. She first wrote for The Student during Freshers’ of first year and has continued to write ever since. In her second year she became editor of the lifestyle section, and in her third year she became Editor in Chief. After completing her terms as Editor in Chief she took financial responsibility for the paper, and nowadays she plans their social events. Saskia really loves The Student.

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