• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


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In memory of Brenda Howard – an “in-your-face activist”

28 June is the 54th anniversary of the Stonewall riots, which were a series of protests that took place in New York and served as a catalyst for the gay…

Why are bisexual women at a higher risk of violence?

Content warning: references to sexual violence and abuse, homophobia I didn’t write an editorial for our LGBTQ+ history month print edition as I didn’t have anything I especially wanted to…

(How) are we engaging with climate change?

A 2021 survey across ten countries (involving 10 000 participants aged 16-25) led by Bath University revealed that 60 per cent of the young people approached felt worried/extremely worried about…

Forgotten Women: the impact of climate change

As discussed throughout this issue, the climate crisis has wide-ranging impacts and effects on all of us, but we can’t talk about climate change and the climate crisis without talking…

Abortion in Scotland

Discussions around abortion are highly prevalent in Scottish politics right now, even more so since the resignation of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. The three SNP leadership candidates have varying views…

What are we facing in 2023?

This week’s publication is undoubtedly a celebration of women’s contribution to society, both throughout history and today. However, the edition should also remind us of the continued emphasis we must…

Transphobia and the media

Transphobia has never been so rife, and the blame lies with the media. The way our media treats trans people – in broadsheet, on ‘debate’ shows, on social media –…

What is to blame for poor mental health among young people?

This week’s issue of The Student is dedicated to student mental health, something that I know every student at university will have been touched by, whether personally or through friends…