• Mon. May 20th, 2024


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A shift in US climate change politics impacts the EPA and Nasa

After Donald Trump became President of the United States, any and all information about climate change disappeared from the White House website. Under the heading ‘An America First Energy Plan’,…

Olm Salamanders discovered with use of environmental DNA

A type of Balkan Salamander called olms are endangered by pollutants, and endeared by Croatian locals who refer to them as ‘baby dragons’. However, it is hard to protect and…

Frog tongues’ sticky properties

When mechanical engineering PhD student Alexis Noel and her supervisor David Hu watched a viral YouTube video of a frog playing the smartphone game ‘Ant Smasher’, Noel was struck with…

Protest: the reaction to changes in US science policy

Climate policy was one of the Obama Administration’s top priorities and, despite a consistent focus, top scientists have warned that too little is being done, and too late, to prevent…

Namib’s polka dotted desert mystery has been solved

A polka dot pattern on patches of bare ground in the Namibian grasslands – termed fairy circles – have intrigued people for thousands of years. Ancient local legends speak of…

Environmental degradation in Beijing: an issue of social justice?

Beijing has long been considered one of the most polluted cities in the world, often characterised by a thick grey smog engulfing the city. The responsible pollutants come from a…

Donald John Trump: president-elect and a complete disaster for environmental policy?

Put bluntly, Trump appears to be a threat to the environment. In May 2016, he took the stage in North Dakota, accompanied by some outdated pop tune, to talk about…

Wind farms are killing thousands of bats every year

Wind turbines could be killing tens of thousands of bats a year, a new study has found. Scientists think that bats may turn their sonar off at large heights because…