• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Alasdair Flett

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  • The currency lining digital pockets: Bitcoin’s recent value surge

The currency lining digital pockets: Bitcoin’s recent value surge

Bitcoin has hit a record high valuation as a virtual currency at over $1,200 (£976). On Thursday, 2 March, it rose four per cent in value, equalling the price of…

Nokia 3310 relaunch: nostalgic or practical?

Yes, the beloved Nokia 3310 is back on the market as a budget option against increasingly expensive mobile devices. It is being sold even more cheaply than at first by…

Women v Isis: Blackburn woman joins all-female militia

A woman from Blackburn has recently travelled to Syria to fight Islamic State on the ground. Kimberly Taylor (27) calls herself a revolutionary and has joined the Kurdish YPJ (Women’s…

Influencers of Instagram and their unethical advertising

Advertisement on Instagram is becoming increasingly dodgy. Companies are paying people who are already popular to promote their products. However, the issue is that they fail to tell users that…

This Week in History: first Scotland v England football match, 30 November 1872

On 30 November 1872 (St Andrew’s Day), the Scottish and English football teams met for the first time at Hamilton Crescent, Glasgow. Perhaps ironically, this was held on the West…

Historical revisionism: the dispute over Hitler’s birthplace

On Monday 17 October an expert committee consisting of public officials, historians and Jewish leaders recommended somewhat ambiguously that a “thorough architectural rearrangement” was required of the house, situated in…