• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Open Letter

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  • Societies publish open letter condemning university’s handling of sexual violence on campus

Societies publish open letter condemning university’s handling of sexual violence on campus

CW: Sexual violence Several student societies have published an open letter condemning the University of Edinburgh’s “mishandling” of sexual violence cases on campus. The Feminist Society (FemSoc), Sex?On Campus! and…

University of Edinburgh urged to go plant-based as lecturers sign open letter

A new open letter has been published urging universities to switch to plant-based catering. The letter, organised by Plant-Based Universities – a campaign started by Animal Rising in 2021 –…

A letter to those searching for certainty

CW: Description of OCD related compulsions and thoughts We live inside our heads, don’t we? The familiar voice of our internal dialogue is our only constant companion through life, aiding…

Students protest university pandemic response in Bristo Square

On the 24th October, a group of students gathered in Bristo Square to protest against the lack of support they have received from the University during the Covid-19 pandemic. The…

Open letter to the University: an interview

“Dissatisfied.” “Tired.” “Need Consistency.” These are all comments written on a University of Edinburgh Student Experience padlet wall created by Camilla, an MSc student. She arranged and co-wrote a recent…

Update: Open letter to the university yields real results

Following her successful open letter to the University of Edinburgh regarding mental health provision at university, Emma Penney tells The Student of the real change that is being affected. Since…

Personal experience: we need to change our university’s mental health services

In August I will be resitting an exam so I can progress to honours. This is because I didn’t pass some of my courses this year due to my depression…