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Hope remains for parties of the Left

If nothing else, the last general election can be said to have marked the beginning of the end of ‘business as usual’ in British politics. Labour’s long-predicted downfall materialised in…

Higher Education Governance Bill draws criticism throughout academia

A Scottish government bill seeking to standardize the way universities govern themselves has drawn a chorus of criticism from university principals, rectors, and students associations. The bill, titled the Higher…

Party leaders have gravely misunderstood Labour’s Scottish loss

In terms of the post-election flurry of results, resignations, analyses, and general confusion, 2015 has proven to be unparalleled in recent electoral history. But equally characteristic of the election has…

Vicious anti-SNP rhetoric has only helped their rise

The Scottish National Party is a party in uncharted waters. Having championed the Scottish cause, their fearless politics will soon be forcefully felt around Westminster. Dominating the televised debates and…

Political parties clash in Teviot debate

SNP, Labour, Conservatives, Liberal Democrats and Greens clashed in Teviot Debating Hall last night (30 March) during the Politics and International Relations (PIR) Society’s General Election Debate. The event, which…

Sturgeon targets “blight of inequality” with jobs plan

Nicola Sturgeon has introduced measures to bring down the “blight of inequality” in Scotland. Sturgeon, who will be standing as leader of the SNP in May’s general election, introduced a…

Universities condemn invasive SNP higher education bill

A new Scottish Government education initiative is facing concerted pressure from universities and education groups. The Higher Education Governance Bill is proposing a number of changes which would significantly alter…

The SNP has sparked change in Scottish left

With the red rose of Labour expected to decay into a few sparse petals while the virile SNP thrives on the scorched earth of post-referendum politics, the map of Westminster…