• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Anna Whealing

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What is the role of the modern-day language academy?

English, like all languages, is a mismatch of words, grammar systems and spellings from many related tongues; including Old High German, Old Norse, French, Latin and Greek. But the fascinating…

It’s time for an attitude adjustment: Fashion Revolution Day

Fashion: keeping up with the latest trends, filling our wardrobes with bargain clothes we wear a few times with pride before a new style catches our eye. This is not…

Next door to the Hippoptami: adapting to life amongst animals

Anna Whealing looks at whether cities and people are adapting to the increased presence of animals in our towns. In rural Columbia, around 200 miles north-west of Bogota, a veritable…

This week in history: Galileo

The 15th of February 1564 saw the birth of Galileo Galilei or ‘the Father of Modern Science’. Galileo lived a life of great mathematical and astrological success, coupled with problems…

The enduring allure of winning the lottery

Everyone has thought about it: it is one of those million-dollar questions. What would you do if you won the lottery? According to The Independent, 32 million of us regularly…

New year, same old you: the pros and cons of resolutions

Every New Year, as the bells strike midnight, millions of people across the world make a promise, a resolution to become a better person. Our relationship with the New Year’s…

How should we remember the Holocaust?

Posner, in Alan Bennett’s The History Boys, when asked to discuss the Holocaust as a historical event, says that, “To put something in context is a step towards saying it…