• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Lucy Peett

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Recovering My Motivation in Just One Week: Brainzyme Review

Saying everything sucks won’t make everything suck less, but making small changes to your life will. Here’s how one small change made my life suck a bit less, in just…

Death anxiety in a Covid-ridden world

Fearing death isn’t trivial, in fact, it is probably the most rational fear of any happy mind. If someone enjoys life, it is reasonable that they want more of it,…

New year, same me: do new year’s resolutions put us under unnecessary pressure?

New year’s resolutions are as old as the hills. But, unlike our Babylonian and Roman ancestors, who used the new year to pledge allegiance to their communities and Gods, we…

Before and after: the covid transformations we didn’t know we needed

Dear Reader, We have found ourselves at this messy juncture, caught between hope and despair. Yet we grin through the grim circumstances, sing past the somberness, and continue to push…

Viva la Rashford Revolution

The pandemic has screwed Britons’ understanding of government. There is a dwindling consensus on the role of the state, and last week this came to a nasty head. In government…

Normal people: the Billie Eilish Revolution

Butthurt internet trolls snubbing women’s bodies is nothing new. Last week, Twitter users decided to pick Billie Eilish as their latest target. The outcome? Some very ruffled feminist feathers. It…

Why Fatima’s next job should NOT be in Cyber

The government have launched another barrage on the creative industry – Quelle surprise. In their latest display of crass misjudgement, one part of the new CyberFirst campaign features Fatima, a…

Imposter Syndrome: are millennials fighting a losing battle?

Feeling like a fraud is a customary millennial worry. It is that niggling voice of self-doubt that says, ‘you don’t deserve this’ and ‘everything in your life is about to…