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New Labour policies neglect the poor

This week shadow chancellor Ed Balls announced a range of new economic policies aimed at reducing the national debt, including forcing ministers to take a five per cent pay cut…

Scottish Labour are in serious trouble

By 6am, Friday 19 September, the results of Scotland’s historic independence referendum were in. Despite uncertainty right up to the last moment, the Scottish electorate said ‘No’ to independence by…

Critiques of Hilary Mantel are misguided

Mantel needs to see a therapist. This is what Lord Timothy Bell had to say concerning the short story the Booker Prize winning author published in The Guardian last week,…

Grassroots action can tackle climate change

Climate change. We all know the risks of doing nothing, and yet we are all guilty of doing too little. After all, having heard the global warming story a thousand…

Dawkins does not represent all atheists

In recent weeks, biologist and best-known public figure of the atheist movement, Richard Dawkins, has come under wide public criticism for spectacularly ignorant comments. One utterly despicable tweet read, “Exactly.…

NATO’s militaristic hard power is not the appropriate response to foreign conflicts

This month the NATO summit is being hosted in Wales. However, ‘inflicted’ may be a more appropriate phrase than ‘hosted’. Whilst the Welsh First Minister publicly welcomed the visit as…

Referendum highlights nationalist divisions

The die has been cast, the votes counted and Scotland’s future has been decided. For better or for worse, the ‘No’ voters triumphed, and the Union will continue. Now that…

Mr Market

Mr Market is something of an admirer of Lord Byron. Indeed, he is an avid avower of his own Byronic stature, keenly pressing his Romantic credentials to anyone who will…