• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


ByFiona Grew

Jan 20, 2015
courtesy of the improverts

As a Bedlam staple, The Improverts perform each week to busy student crowds. Past audiences will agree that each week provides different material and so even if you’ve seen the show before, returning this year will still prove a highly enjoyable and memorable night. Refreshingly, there are new faces in the line-up and the group of five on stage all had fantastic presence. The show consisted of the five Improverts using input from the audience in a series of games to improvise comedy. Particularly enjoyed was the game ‘Oscar Winning Speech’ in which Steve (with the much enjoyed, dramatic addition of a smoke machine) delivered a speech on the audience-sup- plied theme of ‘dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s’ which left tears of joy in everyone’s eyes.

The lighting and sound, improvised alongside the comedy, was faultless throughout and the technicians responsible deserve high commendation as their work added polish to the fun on stage, creating memorable comedy. The music chosen to accompany the interludes between each of the games was appreciated, always recognisable and often in some way related to the games; it raised the energy of the audience, keeping everyone engaged throughout. All the players present this week – Izzy, Tom, Joe, Will and Steve, held their own on stage. However, Australian Izzy’s performance was particularly of note as, from her German to Southern American accents, she sparkled throughout. The Improverts perform every Friday night at Bedlam and, due to the nature of their show, it is sure to be very different next week. The players are unlikely to disappoint since their obvious enjoyment at being on stage cannot fail to diffuse into the audience. They are well worth a visit this semester.

By Fiona Grew

Fiona Grew is a 4th year Philosophy & Theology student and Editor-in-Chief at The Student.  

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