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Police Cops: Badass Be Thy Name and Police Cops in Space

Police Cops – Badass Be Thy Name Manchester, 1999. Tommy is an ordinary clerk in an ordinary call centre, leading a very ordinary life. But all is changed when he…

Fatty Fat Fat Review

The first thing you realise about Katie Greenall’s Fatty Fat Fat is that it is primarily a documentary. Yes, it has creative, theatrical aspects and is put in the form…

Niall McCarthy: The Duality of Man Review

The Duality of Man, written, directed and produced by Niall McCarthy seems very promising from the flyer. . Indeed, some of the jokes are simply hilarious and show the potential…

The White Crow

In Russian, “white crow” is an idiom which means that someone is different, an outcast. The White Crow tells the story of the outstanding Rudolph Nureyev, a ballet and contemporary…

Toulouse-Lautrec at Scottish National Gallery

Paris at the end of the 19th century was known as the ‘city of pleasure’ famed for its cabarets, cafés and dance halls. Montmartre was particularly full of these spots,…