• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Are Students too lazy to attend lectures?

ByDom Croot

Feb 7, 2024
A person sleeps in an armchair"Exam time = sleepy time" by clemsonunivlibrary is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

After the turbulent covid-19 pandemic and increasing mental health challenges, The Student has been asking students how attitudes towards in-person classes have changed. 

Despite what some may believe about Gen Z, the University of Edinburgh’s students did not admit to mass skiving. 

Of the students surveyed, two-thirds said they attended all or most of their classes. 

One student wrote: “I am paying so much to be here it seems a waste to not attend…I just feel like I can’t justify not going to things.”

Read More: UK Universities spend millions to secure international students: Are Students too lazy to attend lectures?

Some international students pay annual tuition fees upwards of £30,000.

A common reason given for missing lectures, labs or tutorials was mental health issues.

“I try my best to attend all my classes,” said a different student, “whether or not I go usually depends on how my mental health is that day.”

Another referenced their struggles with insomnia: “If I have had a bad night, classes are usually very difficult the next day.”

Read More: As the Covid class of 2024 are nearing graduation, what does this mean for their futures?: Are Students too lazy to attend lectures?

Others reported finding it hard to fit university commitments around part-time employment. 

With maintenance loans rising below the rate of inflation, for some students, balancing studying and work will become even more challenging.

The coronavirus pandemic saw university classes moved online and some students said that this demonstrated attendance was not necessary.

However, far more expressed the view that the covid-19 pandemic made them value in-person classes more and the benefits of attendance.

When asked about the changes in study patterns and support for students unable to attend classes, Edinburgh University Student’s Association (EUSA) stated:  

“…Hybrid options made engaging with studies much easier for students with children, caring responsibilities, disabilities, mental-health conditions or financial concerns.”

There is already a free University shuttle bus, and, for those residing in Scotland under the age of 22, free bus travel is available.

In response to EUSA, a University of Edinburgh spokesperson told The Student that:  

“…We would encourage the University to address the barriers that in-person attendance presents – such as by covering commuting costs and ensuring lectures are recorded in the event of illness or unexpected circumstances.”

“On-campus learning students are expected to attend their core teaching hours in-person.

“We understand the value of making material available to students in their own time, and classes are automatically filmed in all recording-enabled teaching rooms.” 

They continued: “…Should a student be unable to attend because of illness or personal circumstances, support is available by contacting their Student Adviser.”

Exam time = sleepy time” by clemsonunivlibrary is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.

File:GeorgeSquareTheatre.jpg” by M J Richardson is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.

Unisoc building, Pleasance – geograph.org.uk – 1352907” by kim traynor is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.