• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A.K. Brown

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  • Butterfly wing structure informs the design of solar panels

Butterfly wing structure informs the design of solar panels

Mimicking the airy architecture of the Rose butterfly’s wings, a team of researchers at the California Institute of Technology and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have created ultra-efficient thin-film solar…

An injectable contraceptive, with no hormonal side effects?

Men may soon have access to a new convenient option for male birth control. Scientists at the California National Primate Research Center have been running extensive tests on a product…

Tweeting Trump: How much power do 140 characters have?

It’s official: following the election @realDonaldTrump has gone from 140 characters to 280, now with the addition of the official Presidential Twitter account. The newly minted POTUS has expressed his…

Women in science: is sexism still a problem?

Peer review is the stringent process by which scientists check each other’s work. Within two of the most prestigious scientific journals, Science and Nature, women make up just 26 per…

Groundbreaking procedure may have cured British man of HIV

Image: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention In 2008, Timothy Ray Brown – known as the Berlin Patient – became the first man in history to be entirely cured of…