• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Alice Spaccasassi

Science and technology editor at The Student.

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  • Perseverance rover lands safely on Mars: a new decade of exploration

Perseverance rover lands safely on Mars: a new decade of exploration

In some rare but welcome positive news, the new rover Perseverance (a.k.a. Percy) safely landed on Mars on February 18 at 20:55 UTC. The rover is equipped with seven cameras…

Nevada legislation could allow billionaires to create local governments

You thought a Biden presidency would mean an end to America’s slow descent into a corporate dystopia? That’s adorable. In his January State of the State Address, governor of Nevada…

Liberation on a House of Cards: Reflection of a Trans Woman in Academia

CW: Transphobia It is well known that the sciences have a problem with inclusivity. Women are not particularly welcome in engineering and even social science departments remain a hotbed of…

In Australia vs. Google, independent journalism loses

The Australian government is taking on Google. At least, that is how most British outlets have been covering the tech giant’s opposition of the recent controversial legislation, which would see…

Biological sex and transphobia: why you shouldn’t side with Joanna Cherry

CW: Transphobia Cancel culture strikes again, leading hundreds of popular politicians and wealthy celebrities to fall face-first into book deals and endless news coverage. Joanna Cherry used obvious dog whistles…

All aboard the HYPED train: the future of Hyperloop in Europe

Great man theories of science imagine innovation as something that happens mostly because of a few incredible people. This is true to the extent that it is difficult to imagine…

What can Frankenstein teach us about bad science?

A scientific consensus is only worth acknowledging when it follows a scientific method, so failing to replicate or reproduce data could permanently damage the authority of experts.