• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

‘EUSAless’ blog goes extra mile to condemn EUSA

ByCallum Mason

Aug 12, 2014

The online anonymous blog EUSAless, has gone to extreme lengths this week in order to get its belief that EUSA (Edinburgh University Students’ Association) has “No Mandate. No Interest. No Clue” to Edinburgh’s student body.

The blog is currently paying ‘Facebook’ to advertise its posts, and on Sunday, tweeted a future student at the University of Edinburgh, to warn them of – what the blog claims are – EUSA’s unrepresentative actions.

Responding to a twitter user’s tweet that they were excited to see Basshunter at Edinburgh University Fresher’s Week, EUSAless replied: “you should be more excited for EUSA officers to speak out on your behalf without your consent.”

The EUSAless blog centres its argument on the basis that EUSA’s sabbatical officers have undertaken actions that they are not mandated to complete. It claims: “[the sabbatical officers] have opted to establish a dictatorial regime at the first opportunity by not only acting without mandate, but completely inventing the notion that they have one.”

The example used is EUSA’s statement condemning Israel’s actions in the Israel-Palestine conflict; this statement has been met with opposition by members of the student body.

At the time of publication, EUSAless’s ‘Facebook’ page had 56 likes, and 16 followers on Twitter, although this number has risen by 5 since the weekend.

By Callum Mason

Callum Mason is a 3rd Year English Literature student and former Editor-in-Chief of The Student; he’s also had work featured in The Independent and The Huffington Post

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