• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


ByCarrie Dillon

Mar 18, 2015
Image courtesy of http://www.independent.co.uk

I must admit, Paul Whitehouse deserves some serious credit for his new comedy, Nurse. Not only does Nurse push the boundaries of numerous sensitive topics, but it proves to be fairly humourous in the process.

The show surrounds Liz, played by Esther Coles, who is a psychiatric nurse dealing with her own troubling issues. Each of Liz’s patients seem to embody some sort of ‘type’ in a psychiatric community, but the writing is understated and seriously light hearted. In contrast to the rest of the comedy, the moments with only Liz provide a more serious tone to the show.

On an aesthetic level, the show’s makeup is artistry in itself. Whitehouse successfully poses as eight different characters, ranging from a patient who is 25 stone to an old, Jewish man. Overall, the show is certainly a pass and is laugh-track free – always a plus.

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